created: sometime 2008
last updated: Apr 17, 2012
Some Friends of Mine
Gooding (band)
Motel Aviv (band)
The TurnUp Group
ABC's of Graffiti (book)
Don and Max's INCREDIBLE Art Show
DJ Spence (band)
Rally Ready Motorsports
VINCA Jewelry
Misc Websites I Like (in no particular order)
XKCD - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language
Perry Bible Fellowship - Another webcomic, my favorite
Pandora - The music genome project
Last.fm - A music recommendation system
Music-Map - A tourist map of music
Damn Interesting - Some damn interesting articles
Reddit - A community-driven news article popularity website
MetaFilter - Community weblog
AboveTopSecret - "Deny Ignorance"
Coast to Coast AM - Talk show that deals with the paranormal
Firefox - Rediscover the web
APOD - Astronomy Picture of the Day
EPOD - Earth Science Picture of the Day
NatGeo Photo - National Geographic's Photo of the Day
Instructables - World's biggest show & tell
FOUND - They collect FOUND stuff
TV Tropes - Have an extra 10 hours to kill?
Wikipedia - Who DOESN'T know about this by now?
Dead Homer Society - For all of those "Simpsons" fanatics out there such as myself that despise the newer season.
Feel Like Wasting Spending Some Money?
Something Store - For $10, they will sell you something at random
Archie McPhee - Everything strange, from nun-zilla to bacon strip band-aids
American Science & Surplus - Science, education, amusing, eclectic. Great item descriptions
Think Geek - "Stuff for smart masses"
DealXtreme - A good place to spend a couple dollars you dont know what to do with
Perpetual Kid - Unique gifts to entertain your inner child
Woot! - One Day. One Deal.
Smart Stuff
Uncrate - It is advertised as a buyers guide for men, but I think anyone could enjoy it.